19 Nov

APA style is a writing style and format for academic documents such as scholarly journal articles and books. It is commonly used for citing sources within the field of behavioral and social sciences. Why is it so important to know how to write an APA format research paper? Basically, writing an essay is not as simple as telling a story. Because you are involved in academic writing instructions, you need to follow the correct system in writing that academic institutions accept. This will make it sure that you know how to build documents that are necessary especially when you are looking for a professional career.

An APA format research paper can be applied to any types of topic interest. You can use it in writing a Romeo and Juliet essay, a compare and contrast essay or in any high school research paper topics that you can think of. But what is the main instruction in using such a platform for writing?

We will talk about at least three parts in the process of writing an APA format research paper. The first is by inserting parts of another work to your document. This is called in-text citation and the way to do it in APA format is by putting quotation marks that will enclose the phrase or sentence. Afterwards, you may include in a parenthesis the author’s name followed by the date of publication at the end of the sentence.
—–”History only suggests that capitalism is a necessary condition for political freedom. Clearly, it is not a sufficient condition” (milton friedman , 1946).

The next step in writing an APA format research paper is pagination. This is done by putting the title of your work followed by the page number. Some essay topics may have long titles so you only need to input the most relevant words in your page number section. This information is to be written at the upper right hand corner of each page of your document.
—-Capitalism is the basis of economic progress (Document Title) 46 (Page Number)

Lastly, any essay writing tasks requires you to put a bibliography. In an APA format research paper; this is done by allocating a last page where you will put entries that involve the author’s name, the date of publication, the title of his work, the source of the document and sometimes the publishing city especially for book materials.
—-Piketty, T. 2017. Capital in the Twenty-First Century, 65-69.—-

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